Tips and Tricks on How to Make Delicious Pumpkin Soup

How to cook pumpkin soup is a common question amongst new soup cooks but actually, this type of soup is one of the easiest to make. So, if you were wondering how to make the best pumpkin soup, read on for some useful tips about how to prepare the pumpkin for the soup and how to make your soup completely delicious.

Choosing and Storing Pumpkins

Pumpkins are available from August to March but September to November is the prime pumpkin production times. Choose pumpkins, which are heavy, firm, and unblemished. It is best to use small, sweet pumpkins, rather than the big jack-o-lantern types, which are best for carving.

The big ones tend to be waxed for a glossy skin and the sugars will have broken down, so they are not as sweet as the smaller varieties. Keep your pumpkins at room temperature, away from light, for up to four weeks.

Once they have been cut, keep your pumpkin pieces in plastic, and keep them for up to a couple of days in the refrigerator.

How to Cook Pumpkin Soup

There are various cooking methods for pumpkin soup, including crockpot pumpkin soup, stove top pumpkin soup, baked pumpkin soup and more. You usually combine the pumpkin pieces with the other ingredients, when making a pumpkin soup recipe, and blend the soup when it has finished cooking for a smooth, silky pureed finish.

A Dutch oven, which is like a big, heavy pot, is useful for making pumpkin soup and if you are wondering, how do I make pumpkin soup, you might like to investigate Dutch ovens because you can make plenty of different recipes in them, not just pumpkin soup.

How to Make Pumpkin Soup for a Baby

Pumpkins are packed with nutritional compounds and they are rich in beta carotene, vitamin A and more. Pumpkins are also rich in protein, potassium and iron and you can feed pumpkin to your baby from the age of six months.

You can serve pumpkin puree, boiled pumpkin or a buttery pumpkin soup. You can add spices later on, such as nutmeg or cinnamon, for flavor. Young babies prefer plain food though.

More Pumpkin Soup Tips

  • If you are going to add onion, carrot or other vegetables to your pumpkin soup, they will taste better if you sauté them in butter first.
  • If you simmer or boil pumpkin soup for too long, it will lose its vivid orange color.
  • If you accidentally make your pumpkin soup recipe too salty, add a whole raw potato to the pot, simmer it for fifteen minutes, and then remove it. It will absorb the excess salt.
  • If you accidentally burn the soup, pour it into a new pot and add some chutney, mustard, curry or another flavor.
  • Simmer some reserved beef, pork or chicken bones in your broth for fifteen minutes before using it for the pumpkin soup. This will add plenty of flavor.
  • Most cooked vegetables can be pureed and added to pumpkin soup to thicken it up.
  • It is well worth making your own broth. You can control the salt level and you can also freeze leftover broth and defrost it for future pumpkin soup recipes.

Learning how to make pumpkin soup is partly about learning some handy soup tips and partly about being creative and experimenting with new ideas.

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